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What Is a Septic Tank?

From your toilets, showers, bathtub and sinks, wastewater runs into a main sewer line that slopes to your septic tank.

Solid wastes sink to the bottom of your septic tank, becoming a layer known as sludge. Fats, oils and greases float on top of the wastewater, becoming a layer called scum. Contact Septic Tank Armadale now!

A septic tank is an underground watertight container made of fiber glass, plastic or concrete. It is used in homes and cottages that are not connected to a municipal sewer system.

Every time you flush a toilet or wash clothes, wastewater enters your home through the sewer line and flows into your septic tank. From there it separates into three general components — solids or “sludge”, floatables (such as fats and oils) and a zone of relatively clear water. Microorganisms in your septic tank perform the first treatment by breaking down these components into a liquid form. The liquid then flows to the drain field area.

All septic tanks have an inlet baffle and an outlet baffle. The inlet baffle keeps sludge from entering the absorption field, which could clog and decrease the efficiency of your septic system. The outlet baffle prevents sludge from leaving the tank, which could clog the pipes leading to your absorption field.

In the drain field area, an aerobic bacteria system breaks down any remaining contaminants in the wastewater. This process lowers concentrations of organic matter, suspended solids, pathogens and nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen. The treated wastewater then percolates through a layer of gravel and into the native soil. From there, it drains into a stream, river or lake.

If you have a septic tank, it’s important to keep an eye on your septic system and make sure it is working correctly. If you notice a foul smell, slow drainage or backflow from your sinks or toilets, it may be time to have your septic tank inspected. Also, be sure to use septic-safe products, such as biodegradable toilet paper and cleaning products. And don’t build anything over the drainfield, which can cause it to compact and block the flow of wastewater into the soil. This can cause sewage to back up into your home and create a health hazard. It’s also a good idea to have your septic tank pumped every one to four weeks. Having it pumped regularly helps keep your septic system healthy and reduces the need for repairs.


If you have recently purchased a property with an off-mains septic tank, or are looking to install one for your new home, it is crucial to work with a reputable installation company. This will ensure that your septic system is properly placed and correctly installed, and complies with all local regulations. Wrong installation is the root cause of most off-mains septic tank problems, and can lead to expensive repair bills down the road.

During the planning stage, your installation team will work with you to determine the best type of septic system for your household and land, as well as how large the tank should be. They will also consider factors such as your soil type, the slope of your land, and any nearby trees that could affect the drain field. They will also make sure to place the tank within a safe distance from your house and any other buildings, and take into account how close it is to any bodies of water such as lakes and rivers.

Once the septic tank is in place, it must be filled with water and inspected to be sure that it is leak-free. Once the tank is tested and approved, it can be backfilled with sand, gravel, or concrete. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for backfilling, as each type of material may require different methods.

The next step is to install the pipes between the septic tank and your drainage field, which is commonly known as the leach field. It is important to ensure that the drainage field is sized appropriately, as too small a leach field can result in a clogged or overflowing drainfield. Too large a drainfield can cause the liquid sewage to seep into the surrounding groundwater, which is harmful to the environment.

Your septic system will have a vent that allows the gasses to escape, which is essential to the proper function of the system. If you notice any unusual odors in your home or yard, it could indicate that the ventilation pipe is clogged and allowing sewage to leak out of the tank.


The bacteria in your septic tank produce gases as they break down the waste. These gases must be released to prevent a build-up of pressure that could stop or reverse the flow of wastewater. The gases are released through a vent in the septic tank lid. This vent is usually shaped like a mushroom and can be fitted with a charcoal filter to reduce odors.

A septic system’s soil absorption field is a series of perforated pipes in gravel trenches that allow liquid waste to seep out into the ground. The wastewater is then further filtered by the soil and grass above it. When the solids in your septic tank are too dense, they can flow to the drainfield and clog it. Over time, the drainfield will fail and sewage will overflow to the ground surface, exposing humans and animals to disease-causing organisms.

To keep your septic system in good working order, have it regularly inspected by a licensed inspector. Inspectors look for a variety of issues, including pipe integrity and proper ventilation. They also check for leaking and clogging, which can be difficult to spot without an inside view of the septic tank.

Septic tanks are a large investment, and it’s important to maintain them properly to avoid costly repairs. Have your septic tank pumped regularly, and have your garbage disposal checked for a leaky pipe that could be sending food scraps to the septic tank. It’s best to have the septic tank pumped through the central manhole instead of through the baffle inspection ports, as pumping the tank directly through the baffles can damage them.

When you have your septic tank pumped, ask the pumper to help you locate the absorption field. Draw a diagram or map of the location and mark it with easy-to-reach landmarks such as steps, fence posts, and corner points of your home. Keep this sketch with your septic tank records. Plant only grass or shallow-rooted plants over the absorption field to protect it from deep roots that could pierce the pipes and cause failure.

Be wary of products that claim to speed up the breakdown process or add extra bacteria. These chemicals can upset the delicate balance of microorganisms in your septic tank, and they can clog up your entire system.


Because septic systems are underground, they often go unnoticed until something goes wrong. A septic tank that is full of waste or a broken component can result in sewage backing up into drains or even entering the home. In the worst case scenario, a septic system that is not maintained can cause serious health issues for you and your family.

Septic tanks need to be pumped regularly. The amount of water you use and what you put down your drains can impact how often your septic system needs to be pumped. If your septic tank is not pumped, it can overflow and contaminate your soil with disease-causing bacteria.

If you notice that your septic tank is leaking, there could be a problem with the seal or lid. A professional can inspect your septic tank and determine the best way to repair it.

Your septic tank should have an outlet filter that helps keep solids from exiting the tank and clogging up your drain field. If your septic tank does not have an outlet filter or your current one is damaged, contact Hapchuk, Inc to have a new one installed.

Another sign that your septic tank is in need of repair is if it has strong odors coming from your drains and yard. These smelly odors are caused by a buildup of anaerobic bacteria that digests organic materials in your drains and toilets. If the smells are severe, it is likely that your septic tank has a clog and that the anaerobic bacteria are no longer working properly.

Your septic system should have a ventilation pipe that carries away septic system gases. These gases consist of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. If the ventilation pipe is clogged, this can lead to a toxic buildup of these gases in your home and yard. The clogged vent should be cleaned by a professional.

A healthy septic system will also have a drainfield to further filter wastewater and septic system waste before it enters groundwater. The drainfield is a shallow area of uncovered soil near the septic tank that filters wastewater through rocks, dirt and sand to remove impurities naturally. When a septic tank fails to pump out regularly, the sludge and scum layers can grow so thick that they block the drainfield, causing it to fail.


Piping the Way: Understanding the Essence of Plumbing

Plumbing is a trade that involves the installation and repair of pipes, fixtures, and appliances. It encompasses a variety of skills, including the interpretation of blueprints and building codes, as well as the use of tools.


Many people associate plumbing with leaky faucets and clogged toilets, but the profession is much more complex. It’s responsible for ensuring that water is available for drinking and washing, while also getting rid of waste efficiently. Visit https://www.plumbing-express.com to learn more.

The water supply is the infrastructure for the collection, transmission, treatment, storage and distribution of water for homes, commercial establishments, industry and irrigation. It may also serve such public needs as street washing and firefighting. It is often the most complex and costly municipal service to operate and maintain. It is not to be confused with sewage or drainage systems which are usually separate from and downstream of water supply networks.

The source of the water in a public system is typically surface or groundwater. It is conveyed to the treatment plant by conduits or aqueducts and then treated to meet quality and quantity requirements. This processed water is then delivered to the distribution system through supply conduits that are usually based on a network of pipes of different sizes.

This network may be designed to include a series of loops that avoid dead ends in order to ensure that the water is always circulating, thus avoiding contamination and maintaining a reliable service. It is also designed with the right number, types and sizes of valves in order to allow for the isolation and maintenance of individual sections of the network.

During the design and construction of any water supply system, the quality of the water supplied to users is considered a major concern. This is because the health of people depends on the quality of the water used for drinking, cooking and bathing.

Water suppliers have developed a variety of programs to help their customers save water. They are also working to improve the efficiency of their own systems to cut costs and reduce consumption.

Some States collect data on the operation of public water supplies for a variety of purposes, such as establishing allocation programs; compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (most States); State public health, environmental or water conservation, or emergency planning in response to droughts or other disasters.

A public water supply includes a source, all mains, pipelines, piping, connection fittings, valves and appurtenances within the limits of a public system which is operated by a governmental body or its agents and serves at least 25 service connections and regularly carries out the business of furnishing piped water for domestic use. This does not include facilities or water-supply services for thermoelectric power generation or for mining or agriculture which are not normally regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Sewage Disposal

Sewage disposal is the process of removing water-carried wastes from residential, commercial and industrial buildings. It safeguards a community’s water supply by removing microscopic dissolved matter, harmful bacteria and chemical substances from sewage. This helps protect public health by preventing the spread of diseases like cholera and dysentery. It also prevents damage to natural bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers and oceans.

Most sewage systems have two main components: the collection system and the treatment plant. The collection system, often called a sewer, is comprised of pipes, manhole drains, catch basins and traps that collect wastewater and transport it to the treatment plant. The system may be centralized, with wastewater being directed to a single treatment plant from several cities, or it may be decentralized, with each home and business having its own septic tank and leach field.

A sewage treatment plant removes the bacteria and solid wastes from wastewater through several physical, chemical and biological processes. Physical processes include screening, skimming and filtration. Chemicals are used to coagulate heavy particles into smaller pieces that can be more easily separated and settled. Primary treatment removes about half of the suspended solids and bacteria from sewage. Some cities use chlorine gas to kill the remaining bacteria in sewage, a process known as chlorination.

After settling, sewage is treated by a secondary sedimentation process. The water passes through a screen to filter out large objects, and then it goes into a long, shallow trough that acts as a trap. Small, hard objects sink to the bottom and are collected in a sludge pit while fats and oils float to the top and can be skimmed off.

The sludge that is removed from the bottom of the settling tank can be processed further to remove organic wastes and other contaminants. Some sludge is incinerated to produce energy, while other types of sludge can be digested by microorganisms to produce methane biogas or be used as fertilizer.

The resulting treated wastewater, called sewage effluent, is then discharged into a body of water that can be absorbed by soil, such as a lake, river or ocean. Some cities discharge sewage effluent directly to the sea, but this can be detrimental to marine life and has led to ecological problems, such as algal blooms that threaten human health.


The drainage portion of a plumbing system takes wastewater and sewage away from fixtures like sinks, toilets, and bathtubs. This portion of the system includes pipes that connect to each fixture drain and lead to a main drainage line or septic tank. The piping in drain lines is sloped to help water flow easily, and vent pipes keep sewer gases from seeping into inhabited spaces.

The main drain line for a plumbing system is typically made of PVC or PEX, which are flexible and durable plastics. This type of piping is a good choice for most residential plumbing applications, because it is inexpensive and easy to install. It is also resistant to corrosion and other chemicals commonly found in household cleaners and disinfectants.

However, the piping in a plumbing system can clog and break due to hair, soap scum, and other debris. These problems can be very frustrating, and it’s important to have a plumber inspect your system to identify and repair any issues before they get worse.

Drainage systems are critical for keeping buildings safe and healthy. They whisk away stormwater and sewage, protect structural integrity, and prevent the growth of mold and mildew. While some people may think of drains as unsightly, they’re actually quite beautiful when designed properly.

For instance, floor drains can be incorporated into the design of a building to create an attractive, modern aesthetic. However, they must still meet basic hygienic standards. This is why careful consideration must be given to drain material selection, design, and installation specifications. Also, accessories like gratings and locking mechanisms should be chosen carefully to ensure safety and functionality.

While most people don’t think about their drainage systems on a daily basis, they depend on them to work properly. Without them, we would have dirty, stinky, and dangerously unsanitary environments. Thankfully, professional plumbers can keep these systems running smoothly. Plumbing is a complex trade that requires extensive knowledge of water and gas pipes, fittings, tanks, and fixtures. It also involves reading blueprints and interpreting engineering specifications. Those who choose to become plumbers must be committed to learning new skills and technologies as the industry evolves.

Plumbing Maintenance

Plumbing systems are essential to the function and well-being of buildings and their occupants. They are complex networks of pipes and devices that provide sanitary conditions, potable water and modern services such as dishwashers, laundry machines and refrigerators. A poorly functioning or damaged plumbing system can lead to water damage, costly repairs and unpleasant experiences for building and facility occupants. Regular maintenance can extend the life of plumbing systems and reduce operational disruptions.

Every day, plumbing systems work hard to perform their essential tasks. This routine use can cause wear and tear, however, and over time pipes and fixtures may begin to fail. A plumber can identify and resolve issues before they become major problems, such as leaking, clogging or odors.

Preventative plumbing maintenance is an easy and cost-effective way to keep plumbing systems in good condition. Educating building occupants about proper water usage and encouraging them to report any suspected problems promptly can also help minimize the need for costly repairs down the road.

One of the most common plumbing issues is leaks. Even small leaks can escalate into serious problems, causing water damage, mold growth and/or high water bills. To prevent leaks, plumbing professionals recommend that homeowners regularly inspect their faucets, shower heads and pipes for any signs of dripping or moisture.

Another common problem is blocked drains. These can be caused by hair, food particles and other debris that can build up in drains over time. To prevent blockages, plumbers recommend that building occupants use drain screens or strainers to catch and remove any unwanted materials before they can enter the plumbing system.

In addition to preventing blockages, maintaining plumbing systems can also improve the quality of water. Older pipes can lead to lowered water pressure and mineral buildup, which can result in poor water quality. A plumbing professional can assess a home’s water quality and recommend an appropriate course of action, such as installing a water softener. This can improve water clarity, reduce the need for chemical-based cleaning products and prolong the life of plumbing systems.


What Does a Plumber Do?

Shreveport Plumbers are the tradespeople responsible for installing and maintaining the pipes and fixtures that enable water, gas and waste disposal in homes and commercial buildings. They also repair or replace these systems as needed.

Plumbing requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills to determine the best solution for a given situation. These professionals must also be able to interpret blueprints and ensure all work meets building codes and regulations.

Plumbers install the pipes that carry water and gas into, and waste out of, homes and businesses. They may also be responsible for setting up or repairing fixtures such as toilets, faucets, sinks, showers, tubs, and appliances like dishwashers and washing machines. Some plumbers work on new construction projects, while others focus on remodeling existing systems. When installing plumbing, they must follow blueprints and other specifications to ensure the pipe layout is safe and that all fixtures function properly.

When a fixture or pipe becomes damaged or worn out, it needs to be replaced. Licensed plumbers can inspect and replace all types of plumbing fixtures and pipes, including toilets, kitchen and bathroom sinks, bathtubs, showers, water heaters, garbage disposals, backflow preventers, and septic tank systems. They can also handle more complex plumbing installations, such as whole-house re-pipes.

A common issue that homeowners face is clogged drains and sewer backups. Plumbers are trained to diagnose and repair these problems quickly and efficiently. They use specialized equipment to clear blockages and restore flow, while also taking measures to prevent future issues.

Licensed plumbers can also help with maintenance tasks, such as checking for leaks and ensuring all fixtures are functioning properly. They can also assist with installing water filtration systems, which can help reduce harmful contaminants in drinking water.

Most states require plumbers to be licensed, which involves passing an exam on the basics of plumbing and knowledge of local codes and regulations. Some plumbers pursue additional certifications to become experts in specific areas of plumbing, such as water conservation or working with certain types of equipment.

As a tradesperson, plumbers must have strong physical stamina and dexterity to manage their tools and work in tight spaces. They also need excellent customer service skills to communicate with clients, as they often work directly with home and business owners to resolve issues. In addition, plumbers need creativity to solve complicated problems and come up with solutions that are cost-effective and environmentally friendly.


Plumbers maintain and repair the pipes that carry water, waste, and gas to and from homes and businesses. Their duties also include inspecting and testing plumbing systems, cleaning drains, and replacing parts. In addition, plumbers are responsible for ensuring that all installations comply with local codes and regulations.

The work of a plumber can be dangerous, and they often need to climb or crawl in tight spaces. They are also exposed to harmful chemicals, solvents, glues, and soldering materials. Plumbers should have excellent critical thinking skills, manual dexterity, and physical strength to perform their jobs safely and efficiently. They also need to be comfortable working in a variety of settings, including residential and commercial buildings.

Pipes are responsible for carrying water to and from homes and businesses, and they can get damaged by clogs, leaks, or freeze damage. When this occurs, a plumber must be able to identify the problem and find a solution quickly. Plumbers use a variety of tools to inspect and repair pipes, including video cameras, specialized snakes, augers, and hydro jets. They may also need to remove and replace existing pipes if they are old or damaged.

While the specific duties of a plumber depend on their employer, most positions require at least a high school diploma or equivalency and some form of on-the-job training. Some colleges and vocational schools offer post-secondary education in plumbing, and many plumbers complete an apprenticeship program that lasts two to five years. Apprenticeships combine classroom instruction with hands-on experience in the field. Those who wish to become professional plumbers must pass a state exam and obtain a license.

Plumbers work in a wide range of environments, and they can expect to travel between sites frequently. In residential settings, they install new plumbing systems in homes and apartments. They may also repair or replace existing fixtures, such as toilets, showers, sinks, and bathtubs. In commercial or industrial settings, they work on larger-scale plumbing systems, such as those used in manufacturing plants, hospitals, or power stations. Plumbers often need to collaborate with other professionals, such as engineers and architects, to ensure that their work complies with local regulations.


Plumbers are responsible for repairing and maintaining the water systems in residential and commercial properties. Their duties include inspecting pipes, testing water pressure levels, locating leaks, and ensuring that appliances like toilets, taps, and sinks are functioning properly. Plumbers also repair or replace broken parts, install new fixtures and fittings, and make sure that sewage lines are clear of blockages. Plumbers often use tools such as wrenches, pliers, and pipe cutters to complete their work.

Some plumbers specialize in specific types of repairs or installations. For example, an industrial plumber may handle specialized plumbing needs in manufacturing plants or power stations. These plumbers may have advanced training and knowledge of specialized equipment, such as steam boilers and cooling systems.

Another type of plumber specializes in sewer and drain cleaning. This can be a dangerous job, as plumbers must be careful not to damage the integrity of the pipes and sewer system. Additionally, they may need to use chemical solutions or high-pressure jets to clear the lines of debris and clogs. Plumbers who specialize in this area of the industry are typically licensed and insured.

When a homeowner or business owner experiences problems with their plumbing, they need a professional to take care of the issue quickly. Plumbers who offer emergency services can help address the problem before it worsens, which is important for reducing the risk of further damage to the property and potential health risks for the occupants.

In addition to having technical skills, plumbers must be able to communicate well with their customers. They must be able to listen to their customer’s concerns and explain complicated issues in ways that are easy for people to understand. They also need to be able to estimate the cost of materials and labor for each job. In some cases, more complex jobs require the use of specialized tools or materials, so they may need to charge more than simpler jobs. Finally, plumbers must be able to work efficiently and effectively under pressure. They often have to work in tight spaces and spend long periods of time on their feet, so they must be physically fit and have good manual dexterity.


The plumbing industry offers a wide range of troubleshooting services. These include identifying the causes of the problem, finding a solution, and confirming that the solution works. A plumber must have a good understanding of how a system works in order to troubleshoot it effectively. This includes knowing the different parts of a system, how they work together, and what can go wrong with each part. It also involves knowing how to use different tools and techniques for solving problems.

One of the most common troubleshooting problems is clogged toilets. These can be caused by a variety of things, including flushing down items that should not be flushed (such as dental floss or hair). Clogged toilets can also be a sign of a bigger problem, such as a sewer or septic system backup. Plumbers can use a variety of tools to clear clogged toilets, including plungers, drain snakes, and hydro jetting.

Another common problem is leaking pipes. These can cause serious damage if left unchecked. They may result in high water bills, water damage to wood or drywall, and mold or mildew growth. Plumbers can repair or replace leaking pipes and install new ones as needed.

Other common problems that plumbers encounter include sewage back-ups and odors, broken garbage disposals, and water heater issues. Most plumbers have experience working with all of these, and can diagnose and repair the issue quickly. Many of these problems can be prevented by following basic maintenance tips, such as ensuring that all household members are aware of what can and cannot be flushed down the drains, and regularly checking the condition of pipes and fixtures.

In addition to being able to identify and fix problems, plumbers should be able to communicate well with customers. They should be able to explain complex issues in layman’s terms, and provide recommendations for how to avoid future problems. They should also be able to answer questions about pricing and options for repairs. Finally, they should be able to schedule appointments and respond to customer queries in a timely manner. This is especially important when dealing with plumbing emergencies, such as a burst pipe or flooding.