Safety Expert

The Benefits of Employing Safety Experts

Safety experts are full-time professionals who understand government regulations and ensure your business complies with them. They can give your company a fresh perspective and spot things internal employees may miss. Click Here to learn more.

They identify potential hazards and develop strategies to mitigate them. They also work to lower your Experience Modification Rate (EMR), an important figure for insurance companies.

Safety experts conduct risk assessments, identify potential hazards, and develop mitigation strategies. These strategies may involve changes to work processes, the use of personal protective equipment, and the physical modification of a workplace. They also monitor safety performance metrics, which helps them identify areas for further improvement.

Workers need to be informed of any risks and given clear instructions on how to work safely. They should also receive adequate training on any precautions they must take when entering dangerous areas and on any emergency procedures. In addition, a company’s health and safety risk assessment should consider whether national legislation requires certain control measures to be put in place.

An effective workplace safety management program includes an employee participation arrangement where workers can express their views and concerns to management on issues affecting their occupational health and safety. This can be achieved by establishing employee-led committees or providing anonymous reporting channels where employees can raise concerns without fear of reprisal. Regular surveys and suggestion boxes provide valuable feedback on how well these arrangements are working, allowing companies to address any problems before they become serious.

Having trained personnel to manage workplace safety is essential, especially as many safety managers are approaching retirement age. This creates an opportunity for newcomers to the field and seasoned professionals to step up to management positions. Having experienced managers in place demonstrates to employees that the company takes its commitment to worker safety seriously and can help to avoid any unnecessary claims against it.

OHS professionals need to carry out inspections of the workplace to identify any potential hazards. This can be done in a number of ways, from reviewing accident and ill-health records to carefully examining chemicals and equipment for signs of danger. In addition to carrying out these inspections, OHS professionals need to keep detailed records and write thorough reports. These records can be invaluable if there is a dispute over compensation following an accident in the workplace.

When assessing risks, employers should be clear about who could be harmed by the risk, including those not employed at the time of the assessment. This should not be confined to employees, but should also include contractors, visitors and members of the public. This will enable the employer to consider whether any specific group of people needs special protection, such as lone workers, the elderly or those with disabilities.

Improved Employee Morale and Productivity

When employees know that their safety is the company’s priority, they tend to perform better on the job. This not only improves employee morale, but it also makes the job more rewarding. Moreover, safety protocols help to reduce workers’ compensation costs, which boosts productivity as well.

Workplace injuries can be very costly, not just in terms of medical expenses but also in lost man-hours and reduced workplace productivity. To prevent this, Safety Experts create effective safety policies that are then enforced by trained and certified personnel who conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance.

Safety experts work across a variety of industries and sectors. For instance, if your manufacturing business has a high risk of chemical spills or machinery malfunctions, safety professionals are the ones who will assess all possible risks and develop strategies to mitigate them. Additionally, they will ensure that all safety regulations are strictly adhered to, protecting your employees and shielding you from potential legal issues.

In addition to creating safety protocols, safety experts can also train your employees on how to identify potential hazards and avoid them. This training can be done through workshops or webinars, or even in person. In the long run, this can significantly reduce the number of accidents and injuries, thereby improving overall productivity.

Keeping the workplace safe is a continuous process, which means that your employees need to be constantly reminded of what safety measures are to be followed at all times. Safety experts have the time and expertise to provide your team with these reminders, saving you the effort and cost of doing this on your own.

It’s important for frontline employees to feel that their voices are being heard when it comes to safety. In fact, a survey by YouGov found that 55% of US, 64% of UK, and 59% of AU frontline workers felt that they were never or rarely listened to when it came to discussing safety issues at work.

Safety experts can help to increase engagement in safety initiatives through regular meetings, open communication, and transparency. Ultimately, the goal is to create an environment where everyone feels like their safety is a top priority, so they can focus on their work without the distraction of worrying about their personal wellbeing.

Enhanced Reputation

Many people choose careers as safety professionals because they care about their coworkers and want to help ensure their physical well-being. They also know that a company’s reputation is tied to its health and safety record. Businesses that neglect safety can damage their image and make it hard for potential clients, partners and employees to associate themselves with them.

A safe workplace can be created by ensuring accountability at all levels of the organization. Management sets the tone by providing resources and leading by example. Employees are the frontline workers who implement safety procedures on a daily basis and can provide valuable feedback on areas of improvement. Encouraging open communication and employee input allows them to feel like they’re a part of the process, making it easier for them to buy into the system over time.

Developing an effective safety strategy involves identifying potential hazards, implementing safety measures, and training employees. This can be done through job safety analysis, toolbox talks and regular audits. By creating a culture of safety, companies can improve employee morale and productivity while building a positive reputation as a responsible business.

Reduced Insurance Premiums

As an added bonus, companies that emphasize workplace safety are likely to enjoy lower insurance premiums than their counterparts. After all, claims are expensive for any business, and those that pay fewer will save themselves both dollars and lives in the process.

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is especially true when it comes to workers’ compensation and general liability insurance. Many insurance companies calculate premiums using multiple factors, including payroll, company classification and a claim experience modifier. As a result, it can be challenging for companies to reduce their workers’ comp and general liability premiums. However, as a Risk Control Expert you can help them lower their premiums by encouraging them to use consistent training sessions, implement hazard identification and elimination strategies, and ensure they comply with all applicable safety regulations.

Insurers also look at how engaged employees are with health and safety practices, as they want to know that everyone is working together to minimise accidents in the workplace. This level of scrutiny is often welcomed by organisations, as it means they can get the best price on their insurance by showing their insurer that they have a proactive approach to health and safety.

Insurance market premiums are cyclical, and in recent years they have been quite soft. As a result, many waste companies have been able to purchase cheap insurance with little oversight. However, insurance market conditions are changing and this era of “cheap” insurance is coming to an end. This is why it is imperative that waste companies examine their operational protocols, address underlying issues, and take responsibility for their own safety culture.

Having the support of an on-demand Safety Expert can help you achieve these objectives. In addition, they can improve employee morale and productivity and reduce insurance costs. It is certainly a winning combination for your business, and one that will ultimately pay dividends during this hard market. So, don’t delay – contact a Risk Control Expert today and start saving on your insurance premiums. You’ll thank yourself later for this wise investment.

Contractor Services

Foundation Repair – Why It’s Worth It

Foundation Repair Sugar Land can increase your home’s resale value. It’s also worth it for your safety and to avoid more costly structural damage down the road.

Foundation Repair

The process begins with an onsite inspection where the foundation repair contractor determines the needed support locations, installs supports, and performs a raising or stabilization to bring your home back to it’s original elevation.

Soil conditions have a major impact on the stability of your foundation. The type of soil your home is built upon determines how the house will react to changes in moisture and groundwater influences. Most importantly, the soil type affects whether the foundation will shrink or swell. This sensitivity to moisture and seasonal changes can cause damage that requires foundation repair.

The most problematic soil types are clay, sand, silt, and loam. Each of these soils has different qualities, but they all have a common trait: they react differently to changes in moisture and groundwater conditions. Clay is very dense and clings to water. When it becomes wet, it expands greatly and can put a lot of pressure on the foundation walls. However, when it dries out, it shrinks significantly.

This expansion and contraction puts a lot of stress on the foundation that can crack, buckle, or even shift causing foundation settlement. This can be caused by heavy rains, plumbing leaks, or poor drainage near your home that causes water to pool.

In many cases, a property will have several different types of soils in the active zone that is immediately around and underneath your home. Generally speaking, these layers of sand, silt, clay, and loam will go down for about 30 feet or more before reaching rock or very stable, densely packed soils.

When builders construct houses, they do not always factor in how the site’s soil composition will affect foundation construction. During the building process, the construction team will bring in loose fill soil to level the area and make the site ready for foundation construction. This soil has been brought in from somewhere else and may not have been properly compressed before it was buried beneath the new foundation.

Additionally, once the foundation is poured, they do not usually check to ensure that the ground slopes away from the house correctly. If the slope is off, this will also allow for water to accumulate and saturate the soil and cause it to change consistency. This can be a huge problem for your foundation and lead to sinking, bowing, and cracks in the walls of your home.


The piers that support foundation repair are typically made of concrete or steel. They bypass the problematic soil directly under the building and transfer the weight of the structure to a more stable layer beneath. They are designed to work in almost any upper soil condition and are considered a permanent solution for foundation issues.

Foundation piers are commonly used to fix pier and beam homes, but they are also often the best option for concrete slab-on-grade houses that experience significant settlement. They are often a better choice than shims, especially for homes built before 1950.

Pressed concrete piers are blocks or cylinders of pre-cured concrete that are installed in holes under the foundation. They can be a low-cost alternative to steel piers for repairing a home’s foundation if the conditions are right, but they are vulnerable to moisture swelling which may make them unsuitable for areas with constantly wet soil.

Steel piers are galvanized steel posts that are driven deep into the ground to reach bedrock or compacted soil that is stable enough to support a home’s foundation. They are the most expensive of all the pier options but they provide the greatest level of stability and work well in nearly all upper soil conditions.

Helical Steel Piers are augered into the ground to weathered shale or bedrock at a depth of 15 feet or more. They have helix plates welded to the end of each pier shaft that help them dig in and resist upward pressure. Unlike other pier types, they do not place any stress on the foundation during installation and can be installed quickly with minimal landscape disruption.

Polyurethane Concrete Lifting is a quick and inexpensive method for raising the foundation of a house or other structure by injecting polyurethane foam under the foundation. This lifting technique is only effective in certain situations and should only be performed by a qualified professional. If you are considering a foundation repair and want to know more about the options available in your area, contact HD Foundations today. We are familiar with local soil conditions and will perform a thorough site inspection to recommend the most suitable solution for your foundation.


Whether they are made of concrete or steel, the piles (or piers) that support foundation repair help lift and stabilize the home. They also help transfer and resist the foundation’s weight from the soil to where it is actually supported, thereby relieving the pressure on the home’s foundation. Most homes require some form of underpinning in order to correct foundation problems, such as cracks in walls and floors, sagging and sinking floors, or doors and windows that stick.

A home’s foundation will shift over time due to the soil it rests on eroding. This is why most if not all homes will need the help of a foundation repair specialist at some point in their life. If left unchecked, this shifting can lead to bowing walls and sinking floors. One way to prevent this is by installing a home foundation waterproofing system that drains water away from the house’s foundation. However, this is often only a temporary fix and will only protect the foundation if the issue is caught early enough. This is why it is essential to understand how different methods of foundation repair work in order to choose the best option for your situation.

Pilings in a foundation repair are typically made of either concrete or steel and range from several inches to many feet in length and thickness. The repair team will typically install these by digging underneath the foundation of your home and using a hydraulic ram to “drive” them into the ground. Once a piling has reached the point of refusal (meaning it can no longer be driven any further into the earth), the team will then install a bracket and a support cylinder. These cylinders are then attached to the bracket and placed under the foundation to transfer the weight of the structure from the damaged soil onto the pilings.

Another method of pile installation involves creating tunnels underneath the foundation of your home and then installing the pilings through these tunnels. This allows you to remain living in your home as the work is being done and eliminates the need for drilling holes through your floors. However, it can still be a messy and expensive repair method.

Repair Process

Many foundation repair contractors begin their work by having a structural engineer inspect the area. The structural engineer will diagnose the problem, recommend a solution and give you a repair estimate.

During the site preparation stage, the contractor will clear the area around your home to prepare for the repair. This will include removing any flowers, shrubs and other plants that may be in the way. It will also involve removing debris that could hinder the process such as concrete slabs or other materials. Once the area is cleared, the construction will begin.

There are several different methods to repair a foundation but the most common is steel piers. These are made of galvanized steel and are drilled into the ground under your home. They can go as deep as needed to reach bedrock or soil that will support your foundation. Steel piers can handle massive amounts of weight, will not rust and are considered permanent repairs.

Concrete piers are another option and can be used in combination with steel piers to support your foundation. During the construction of concrete piers, contractors drill cylindrical holes under your foundation and pour liquid concrete into these holes. Then, they will lift your foundation with hydraulic jacks to level and stabilize it. This is a quick and cost-effective method that is used in many cases.

For light-loaded areas, spot piers are a good option. These are concrete supports that the contractor can hand dig and place in specific areas of your foundation that need more support. The advantage of using spot piers is that they don’t require gaining entry to your home.

When the piering and shoring are finished, the contractor will cover up any holes that were dug under or around your foundation. This will prevent any unwanted dirt from falling onto your foundation and possibly making the situation worse.

If the problem with your foundation is caused by water issues, the repair may also include waterproofing measures to stop future problems. This can include waterproofing coatings or installing drainage systems that will ensure that water is directed away from the foundation.

Home Services

Painting New Drywall Requires Special Preparation

Painting New Drywall can transform your space but requires extra preparation to ensure the finished product looks great and lasts. Skipping this step can lead to various problems, including paint that doesn’t adhere well or flaking and peeling over time.

Before starting, inspect the drywall with a bright work light and a pole sander with 150-grit sandpaper to smooth out any gouges and rough edges.

Whether you’re a homeowner doing renovations, needing to touch up a few spots of damage, or a contractor installing new drywall for a home addition, adding fresh paint to any room is an easy and inexpensive way to improve your home’s appearance. However, unlike painting standard walls, a lot more goes into the process of painting new drywall. Using the right techniques and preparing the surface correctly is essential for a professional-looking finish that will last.

Before starting to paint your new drywall, ensure it’s completely dry. If you don’t, the paint will sag and peel. Using a high-quality primer specially designed for drywall is also a good idea. It will help the wall adhere better and reduce the number of coats of paint required to get an even look.

Next, sand the drywall to remove any rough patches and make it smooth. This can be done with a pole sander, which is much easier than doing it by hand. This is especially important when working in a large area or in a high-traffic location, where snags and scratches can appear quickly.

Once the sanding is complete, you’ll want to apply a primer coat. Again, use a high quality one that is specifically made for drywall and is tinted to match your final paint color. After the primer has dried, you can then apply two coats of your chosen paint. Again, it’s recommended that you sand between each coat with 150-grit sandpaper to ensure the paint sticks properly and evenly.

Lastly, remember to wear a mask when working with drywall. There’s a lot of fine dust when sanding and priming, and it can be very harmful if inhaled. Be sure to cover furniture and other belongings in the room with drop cloths to prevent any unwanted smudges or stains. Be sure to ventilate the room as well, especially if you’re using a power tool like a sander. Also, be sure to take a break often! Painting drywall is a very labor-intensive job, and doing it well takes a great deal of time and patience.


If you’re painting new drywall, a primer is needed to ensure the top coats of paint stick well. Primers seal the drywall and present a surface that is ready for bonding, and they also help the topcoats dry quickly. If you skip the primer, your topcoats will take much longer to cure and will be prone to deep scratches and marks.

There are many different types of primers, and the one that’s right for you depends on the specific needs of your project. For example, if you’re painting a bathroom or kitchen, choose an oil-based primer that’s durable and can stand up to moisture.

Water-based and latex primers are good choices for most situations, since they’re inexpensive, low-VOC, and easy to work with. They also seal and prepare the drywall surface well, and they can be used with almost any type of paint.

For more demanding projects, shellac-based or oil-based primers can be useful. These are great for hiding stains and providing durability, but they’re expensive and require detailed cleaning after use.

Another consideration is the type of topcoat you’ll be using. If you’re going to be painting with glossy paint, choose a high-adhesion primer. It’s designed to help the topcoats stick well and won’t peel or bubble.

There are also specialized drywall primers for certain types of walls. For example, if you’re working with a new shower, opt for a waterproof drywall primer that will protect the wall from moisture and humidity.

Finally, don’t forget odor-control and mold killing primers. If you’re worried about odor, try an odorless product like Kilz or the mold-killing version of Kilz. If you’re concerned about mold, look for a primer that contains the active ingredient methylene diphenyl ether (MDA) or methylene glycol monomethyl ether (MGME). These products are safer and less toxic than other types of drywall primers. They’re also available in 4-quart cans, which makes them even more economical and convenient to work with. Some paints include a primer and paint in one, which can save time but isn’t ideal for new drywall since the primer may not provide enough coverage to hide blemishes.


Painting standard walls can be a simple and relatively easy task for anyone to tackle. However, when you are working with new drywall that needs to be painted, there are certain steps and procedures you will need to follow in order to get the best results possible. This is because drywall has its own unique issues and complications that need to be addressed in order for the paint to stick and look good.

Before you start applying your paint, it is important to prime the drywall. The primer will help seal the drywall and make it less porous, making it more receptive to the paint. It will also help block any stains or marks that may be present on the wall from bleeding through the final paint coats.

Once you have applied the primer to the drywall, let it dry for 2-3 hours. Once it is completely dry, you can then proceed with painting the drywall. You will need to apply 2 coats of paint in order to properly cover the drywall and create a smooth surface. Depending on the type of paint that you choose, it is recommended to use either a flat or satin finish. It is not a good idea to use a high sheen such as a semi-gloss or gloss, as the sheen can create problems with adhesion and will not be able to withstand any rubbing or washing that could occur in a normal home environment.

There are a few different types of paint that you can use when painting new drywall, but the best type of paint is usually a water-based paint. These types of paints are easy to work with, dry quickly, and can be cleaned up easily with a damp cloth. They will also be able to stand up to most normal household cleaning products, such as a mild detergent or vinegar solution.

If you are trying to save time, it is a good idea to purchase a paint that contains a primer built into it. This is especially true if you are going to be using the same color of paint that is already on the walls, as this will help the new paint adhere better to the existing material.


Painting standard walls is a relatively simple process that can be done by anyone with the right tools and knowledge. However, when it comes to painting new drywall, there are additional steps that must be taken to ensure proper adhesion and a smooth finish.

First, the drywall should be properly cleaned to remove any dust or dirt that may have settled on the surface. A damp cloth or mild detergent solution should be used, followed by a thorough rinsing with water. This step is important to prevent any contaminants from affecting the final paint job.

Next, the drywall must be lightly sanded to create an even surface. This will give the primer more surface area to adhere to and help ensure a long-lasting paint job. After sanding, the drywall should be cleaned again to remove any remaining dust and debris. Finally, the drywall should be primed using a high-quality primer that is compatible with the paint you will use.

Once the drywall has been cleaned, sanded, and primed, it is ready for paint. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying times. Failure to do so could result in moisture trapping beneath the surface, causing peeling or bubbling.

There are many different types of paint available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to select a paint that is compatible with the type of drywall and will provide the desired look and durability. For example, matte or eggshell paints are ideal for drywall surfaces, as they hide surface imperfections and are washable. Semi-gloss paints, on the other hand, are more durable and are often used for kitchens, baths, and other high-use areas that are prone to moisture or other elements.

It is also important to remember that one coat of paint will not be enough to cover bare drywall. Two or more coats of paint will be needed to achieve a good-looking, professional finish. When applying the paint, be careful not to apply it too thickly, as this can lead to texture peaks that will show through the finished product.